Welcome to Connexins 2012

As we approach the beginning of our third year in business, we are excited more than ever!  In the last 2 years, we experienced tremendous growth and established some amazing strategic partners.  We continue to grow and thrive.  We have been truly blessed.

Although quite busy with our client websites, we decided to take time to give some love to our own website.  If you have not noticed, we created a completely new look and feel.  We are not quite done yet; we are still tweaking the design elements and the code.  The new website design signals new trends that we are excited to share with you today.

1.  Web Design Elements

As we are getting better in designing and developing websites using the WordPress platform, there are a few things that we particularly appreciate about web design.  We have become very fond of (almost obsessed) with beautiful typography, white space, and textures.  These elements, while can be subtle, can make for a very clean and elegant website. We are now paying very special attention to these elements as we create websites for our clients.

2. Responsive Design

As more people rely on their smartphones and tablets to browse the web, it has become increasingly important to create responsive websites.  This means that the website automatically adjusts to the screen size on which it is rendered.  Our website is now responsive in a very neat way!  To see what I mean, view our website on your smartphone or tablet.  Then switch from landscape to portrait. Did you notice the website adjust different to the screen size? Pretty cool, right?  We are currently implementing responsive web design in all our new client projects.

3. Resources to Help You Grow

This year, we will focus on expanding our blog.  We plan to transform our blog into a very useful resource that provides links to great, helpful, educational, and inspiring resources. Our goal is to make our blog a wealth of information to help our clients grow.  In addition, we will start creating video tutorials to help our clients effectively manage their WordPress websites.

4. New Products and Services

Finally, the new look and feel for our website foreshadows exciting upcoming announcements.  These will include new services that we are currently developing, perfecting, and testing.  We are thrilled to launch these services soon to better serve our clients.  Please stay tuned.

In conclusion…

2011 was an excellent year for us, but we are determined to make 2012 an even more exciting, innovative, and productive year.  We invite you to join us in our journey through an amazing third year in business!

About Sherif Morgan

Hi there. Website design started as a hobby in 1999 and has culminated into a thriving company today! Today, we help businesses create fantastic WordPress-based websites.

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